• 701 for sale domestic or export, I have the wings with attached slats removed for shipping if nessasary or can attach and you can register it as builder to do your own annuals. Has a 912 ULS , Dynon EFIS and EMS Becker VHF, Garmin transponder, new factory upholstery, glare shield cover,  light weight carpet, power outlets , electric trim, tundra tires, vortex generators, strobes, polished and painted, 3 blade warp drive ground adjustable prop, center stick, N255ZP
    $36000.00 OBO 352-345-4774 FLorida.

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hi do you have any pictures

Yes I have loads of pictures which I will attempt to send using multiple computers. One thing I will tell you that I have not had the plane inspected by a Dar or FAA if I go through the process I will need to receive more funds only for the incovience.the plane will need to have wings attached a wt & bal. then flown off the 40 hrs. However I will give the buyer his or her choice of factory upholstery and a brand new heads up display for the price. You may send me a private message and I will respond with more pictures
Barber_seville@msn.com is my email

dont need an inspection as it would be for export so works out fine my email deane@downunderstol.com 

I have ordered the factory upholstery to go with the plane.still asking 36k OBO

Still available.

price negotiable 352-345-4774. Large trailer available for transport.

 Hi ,what is status and price ? Is it at Gainesville A/P or someplace else ?  I am in Jax, not far from KCRG Tom Hankamp

Hi Charles.  Is your 701 still for sale?   I am interested.


Buzz Harvey


Still on the market, 30,000to you



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