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I started a similar discussion on FB and received a great deal of contradictory information. I am very familiar with the O-200, having hundreds of hours behind it in my C150M I owned for many years. Aside from weight, the O-200 seems a much simpler approach. Rotax has limited overhaul facilities to 3 in the US according to California Power Systems. Likewise, overhaul parts are monopolized. No such case the the O-200. Parts appear readily available, and any A&P can overhaul the engine (including me, as a CH701 builder) There are many O-200's in various conditions on the market, and enough parts on Ebay to essentially build one from scratch. Thus I am leaning toward the O-200 and would like input from those that have gone the same route, and how the extra weight was dealt with.
Above is a link that brings it all together pretty good, about all that is missing is auto-conversions like Corvair and Viking.
interesting data but wrong about O-200D and listed O-200A data as well, cant speak for the rest
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