Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hello Fellow Builders!
We have just a few weeks to go for the Zenith Banquet celebration of builders and enthusiasts. We are looking forward to a great night of comradery, celebration, and door prizes! Just to name a few, David Clark has sent us a beautiful set of headsets that will be given away to one lucky winner. Sporty's Pilot Shop has donated an Air Scanner Interrupt Radio for you hanger. You can listen to AM and FM Stereo and 10 of your favorite air bands will break in when it receives a signal. This unit will be great for your hangar or office. has donated tee shirts and coffee mugs for the event, and the door prizes are still coming in.
Our event will be held at the Oshkosh Elks Lodge, 175 West Fernau Ave, in Oshkosh, on Thursday, July 26th. We have very comfortable seating for over 250 people, our own private bar, and award winning food! The full bar will open at 5:30 PM for people that would like to come and relax early. Dinner starts at 7:00 PM (30 min earlier than last year). Tickets are available at the door for $20 per person by cash or credit card. Banquet information is also available at the Zenith display. As always, bring your camera and get a picture of the special dessert! If you would like to park your camping vehicle at the Elks for any number of nights, please call me at 920-237-1450 or E-mail me at to make reservations.
All profits from this banquet will go to the Elks Lodge special programs that include Scholarships and the Elks Veterans Charities.
Please send me an E-mail to and I will send you maps, parking information, and all of the Zenith happenings on the field including workshops, forums, and the very special Engine Day on Thursday where engine manufacturers come to the Zenith tent and answer your questions!
Or you can download the attachment on this page (below)
As always, I love seeing you guys every year and I am really looking forward to this one! Have a safe trip to Oshkosh and if there is anything I can help you with let me know.
Joe in Oshkosh
OK, Joe, I've remained silent for too long now...
Last year was my first Zenith Banquet at Convention. My wife really really really didn't want to go, as we usually hang with about 3-4 other couples each night for dinner.
I showed her the email that was sent out last year, and it had the same line: "bring your camera and get a picture of the special dessert..." I told her it must really be a big deal, so she probably should attend with me.
So, I have to ask: Is the "special" dessert that which is served the general attendees, or is that just some tongue-in-cheek insider's joke that I failed to grasp? We had a great time, she's coming back this year, and the food was good last year, but let's just say the dessert that was on our plates was "meh". It was good for what it was, but I didn't see any sparklers, flowing fountains, or other extravaganza. To be truthful, I wouldn't have thought anything about it except for you telling us to bring the cameras!
Thanks for clarifying..... Yeah, I spend too much time thinking about these things....
Hi Carl! It is kind of a gag thing. Each year we have 2 large sheet cakes and every year each one has a different picture placed on it using a large printer and edible ink. So each year we feature something to put on top of the cake! This year's picture will be a knockout so bring your camera and take a picture of it. If you need anything coming to Oshkosh EAA I am just a phone call away at 920-237-1450. See you at the banquet and have a safe trip.
Thanks for clarifying, Joe! I never saw the cakes "pre-cut-up" so I wouldn't have noticed the pics on 'em. I'll search 'em out this year!
Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...
Custom Instrument Panels
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Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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