Hi guy's whats the general concensus on a subie install on the 601 HD ?

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Hi Adrian
Is the rotax in need of much repair? The reason that I ask is that it is a much lighter and a better suited engine. There is certainly nothing wrong with the Suby conversions in fact they are widely used. The only drawback is the weight of the engine. I guess it all depends upon what your empty and mtow are. You look like you are fairly light yourself so you have that in your favour.

Yep just read it thanks. just getting use to the site, Cant believe how well laid out it is. Like an Aircraft facebook..... we will call this one Err.......... Planebook........
There are many redrive units out there, which were you considering? In my opinion, if you are going for the Subie, the light, exposed single belt drive unit is a good option. Not sure who manufactures these units but it shouldn't be to hard to find on the net.

Here is a link to the actual engine I will be fitting. Not sure of the redrive but it is belt. every cyl has a coil.

I can't say for certain but that redrive from what I can see of it, looks very simiIar to one that I saw on the net a few weeks ago when looking up subie redrives for my own interest. I believe that they also make a light weight alloy ring gear to replace the steel one. It looks like a pretty good setup and has obviously been prooven in it's existing installation. Nice find.

Seriously consider a Rotax 912 80 hp. The Subie is at least 100lbs heavier and that means you have no gross left for a passenger. The nose heavy CH601HD will cause you handling grief. The Rotax 912 is more reliable and proven...you will spend years tinkering with the Subie and devalue your aircraft installing it. The engine is the last place to try to save money on an aircraft. Think of the Rotax 912 as "life insurance" . My buddy just picked up two rotax 912 80 hp from a Katana flying school for $2,500 each. ..complete in the crate. Those engines are running 3000 hrs no problem. They TBO at 1500 hrs in a commercial school over 4 years...no corrosion issues...probably spent most of those hours idling waiting for taxi clearence.
I was in love with the Subie until I reasearched it more. Heavy, hard to put an attractive cowl on it, the redrive is frequently a trouble spot/failure point, always lots of teething problems, even in allegedly "proven" installations. If you have the money, a Rotax is nice, maybe a Jabiru (but they have cooling issues in 601's also). If you don't have lots of money, consider a Corvair conversion (I am partial to the William Wynne conversion, will be putting one into my 601XL). The Corvair is heavier than a Rotax or a Jabiru, but considerably lighter than a fully converted and ready to run Subie. William has a complete, proven and reliable installation worked out for the 601 series airframes, no teething problems. I believe you have a Rotax with your airplane now, you may want to consider staying with it if you do not want to go the Corvair route.
Hi Adrian
Are you going for the Subie or something else? If so, there must be someone on this site with a Subie Zodie who can tell of their experiences.

Hi Guy's thanks for the comments but I am confident I can get it to work. I am hell bent on keeping the Rotax 80 for another project. This plane was has to work out for me so I can buy my next project for my Rotax 80 HP ;)

The subie I am getting runs well and has had no issues in a cobra. (I Know different A/Frame ETC)


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