I see the plans call for the use of solid rivets for the trailing edge.  I can understand that, since both sides of the rivet will be visable, and the bottom of a pulled rivet would be kind of ugly.  Is there any other reason to use solid rivets here? I've never bucked a rivet before and I'm thinking my results might be a new definition of ugly. I'm thinking of just using 87 tiny bolts with lock washers on each wing  


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The solid rivets are very easy squeeze with a $75 tool that will be used on the wings , flaps and slats as well as the elevator.


As Jim already pointed out, a rivet squeezer will make a very attractive rivet for you. You are right in that bucking a rivet and hammering at it with a rivet gun is open to ugly results some of the time. A squeezer will produce a nicely set rivet virtually every time. A squeezer can be used anyplace that the yoke of the device can reach both ends of the rivet. Trailing edges of control surfaces are perfect for squeezing rather than bucking and hammering rivets.

It's True, squeezing solid rivets is a breeze and pleasurable. $70 US for a squeezer $300 Canadian. Check out Brown Tools in Oklahoma.


I ordered one of these Squeezers from AS https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/integralSqueezer.php... and I also order the Dimpling set so I could recess the rivets that held the DZUS fasterner springs on my old cowl.  Great tool. 

Thanks guys. I shall order me up one of those magic tools.  See ya at the big show in Oshkosh

Just a thought here. If you can get the flapperons predrilled only one side or 

not at all it might be best for you. Mine were predrilled both sides and 

I could not get the trailing edges to line up on any of them.


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