I have [4] tanks for sale [2] main and [2] aux. with senders and black face VDO gages, for $250 each , E-mail or call 907-892-7369  ...BOB 

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Hi do you still have the tanks for sale?

Yes, I have a pair of main fuel taks with VDO Gauges and senders...$500.00 * postage  Bob

Hi Bob, if you would sell your gauges  separately, what price would you have?

Gauges are staying with the tanks

Mr. Jones

Are the two main tanks still for sale?

Where are you located? Alaska?

Any damage to tanks?

You tested them?

Any leaks?

Why are you selling them?



Mike,I have two good aux  tanks  NO leaks with senders installed, I switched to two 5.5 gallon tanks for aux. fuel, the tanks with senders are $664.20 +fgt.  from zenith you can have this pair for $500 +fgt I will be leaving soon for road trip , can you wait until Dec. or need them now ??  BOB

Mr. Jones

I can wait.
I looked at Zenith parts, am not sure if you are selling the MAIN tanks, or the AUX tanks?
Per the Zenith price lists it seems that one tank with sender is about $458. This leads me to think that you are including various other parts?
I would be interested in the main tanks, and the associated parts that came with the kit.
Do you have photos of all the parts  that you are offering? I would like to see those.
Had you mounted these tanks, then removed them?
Presently I am working on the wings, building from scratch. No tanks yet, was considering making them myself, but would consider this offer.
Any idea of shipping costs? I assume you are in Alaska?? Would like to get an idea of shipping cost in order to estimate total cost v.s. buying from Zenith v.s. building my own (probably riveting and sealing seams).
Road trip? Any where near Ohio? 

Mike, the zenith parts list shows [ 7v11-1kl fuel tank w/cap as $294.95] EACH I am selling the pair with senders at $500 + fgt, BOB   ps.  give me your zip code for shipping 


I did check with Zenith. These 7v11-1kl , kr tanks are for a ch701. I am building a ch750.

Not sure if would fit, will stay with 750 tanks.

So, I will pass.



Hi Bob, when you get back from your road trip please get back to me. I'm interested in the two main tank for my ch-701. Thanks!


Henri, please keep in touch, also where are you at , possibly could put in motor home for trip ...BOB  [907]892-7369

I'm in N.B. Canada. Coming this way?  Now that would be a road trip. LOL.


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