Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I have started the cowling installation on my Cruzer using the Zenair supplied cowling for the O-200. The plans show the nutplates for the cowling attachment along the aft edge installed in the lip of the firewall; however, Jon Croke's video shows them installed just forward of the firewall, which would be much easier to accomplish, but not as strong. Has anyone with a flying aircraft had any problems with the nutplates installed forward of the firewall?
After further research, I'm convinced the hinge system is the way to go. I notice many folks use round head rivets, rather than countersunk, to attach the hinge half to the cowling. I have also seen a number of aircraft that appear to have countersunk rivets used for attachment. Any thoughts on why countersunk rivets would not be acceptable for attaching the hinge half to the cowling? Thanks.
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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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