Hi, All;

Please see the enclosed image.

Most of the firewall penetrations are clearly obvious, but some....   I've labelled each area for which I'm confused.  They're labelled 1, 2, & 3 for ease in referencing.

I have the Zenith complete FWF kit, so have everything that should be identified on the figure.  I just didn't want to drill more holes than I needed for obvious reasons.

I'm running a glass panel, so I'll have the EGT/CHT probes passing thru the firewall as well as OT, OP, tach, etc.

Thanks for any guidance you provide;

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my guess on the right ground stud?            ground wires (p-pleads) carb heat

left side          oil pressure line , mixture, throttle, conventional tach lead?

Hi Carl,

The holes that you have labeled as #1, are the holes required in the firewall to install Zenith's early dual throttle design. I built a CH601HD, and those are the hole locations that I used for the throttle rods to attach to a pair of arms welded to a cross rod which in turn linked to a pair of Bing carbs. If you are using independent or single throttle setup, those holes are not necessary.


Thanks, Dennis; I was wondering if that was the original intent.  I have the dual-throttle setup, but it has both cables terminate at the single carb with a zenith-developed/supplied connector on the throttle arm.

I put my cabin heat over at location 3.


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