
I have the opportunity to purchase a Rotax 912ULS with 912UL crank and crankcase. What are the PROs and CONs? I can purchase a 912ULS that has been rebuilt with a 912UL crank and crankcase. What would be any issues?


CH701 scratch building

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Hi Keith,

Recommend this weekend you search around on to see if this has been discussed, then on Monday call Lockwood Tech Support 863-655- 6229, they take questions 9-10 and 2-3 Eastern Time.  I spent the better part of two years educating myself and searching for either a professionally rebuilt or a used, no stories, no aftermarket hot rod mods, Rotax 912 at a price I thought was reasonable as compared to a new engine, and finally decided they don’t exist. During my journey I talked to a lot of good, knowledgeable folks but also encountered some questionable characters, including one outright fraud that almost cost me thousands of dollars with no engine to show for it.  I ended up biting the bullet and forking out the money for a factory new one through Zenith, and now that I’m flying behind it, including soon with my wife, I’m ever so thankful I made that decision.  Be careful and good luck.

Hi Keith,

912ULS engines prior to sometime in 2006 had an issue with crankcase fretting. After 2006 the crankcases were improved to eliminate that issue. 

Is an 80HP 912 engine crankcase identical to a 100HP 912ULS crankcase? I don't know the answer to that.

I have had to replace the crankcase on my 912ULS due to fretting and it is very very expensive.

Start saving your money and buy a new motor the 80HP will work just fine if you want to budget for other items and save not buying the 100 HP. 

Hi all. Yeah, I think I will just wait and buy new. Definitely make me and my wife feel better about it.
Thanks all

Sounds like they left you with the weaker case.

It can also be machined so it bolts together with thru bolts instead of tapping the block.


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