Mr Formby could sing it, but can we do it?

Cleaning the windows on our little craft is a skill - and we all have our tricks - but what is yours?

We use Pledge (the one without a solvent), preferably with a lavender scent.  It really works well - but make sure it is without the solvent (it will NOT have a flamable sign).  It provides water beading on the outside, dust repellent on the inside, smells nice and is easy to administer (spray onto the rag and wipe).

However we have a recurring nightmare - the sticky on the bubble doors STILL seems to be there.  I flew through a smoke cloud and all the little sticky bits made a black mosaic on the doors!  

What do you use - and have you solved the bubble door sticky problem?!

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Water, lots of it. Clean, drinkable water. Scrubbed with a clean wet human hand. Wet human skin will not damage plexiglass, even a fairly soft rag can scratch it. Slop on some water and then work the wetness around with your hand. Apply more water, repeat. Never work dirt around the surface, slosh it away with more water. If there are dried bugs, soak them for a while. End with a flush of water and let it sheet off. If you feel the need, wipe it dry with a very clean very soft cotton cloth, but just letting it air-dry will leave you with a water spot or two, but no real dirt.

For the inside, I use water on a wet, but not dripping soft clean cotton cloth. Usually, the inside is only slightly dirty and is easier to clean.

Caveat -- I have not done this to Zentith 701 windows or to bubble windows of any type, only standard aircraft windows.

By the way, if you have something that needs to be dissolved off (tree sap or paint residue or something) the only solvent that I am aware of (other than water) that does not attack plexiglass in some manner is Naptha. You can use that with a clean soft cotton cloth to get rid of sticky stuff and then use water and your hand to clean away any residue.


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