Hey folks, anybody (Stateside) have a well built and flying 750STOL they are ready to sell...or have a friend that does?  Thought I had one lined up for past couple months but owner ended up selling to someone local so back to drawing board...sigh

Cheers and thanks in advance!

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2013 Zenith 750 Amphib (1450A Zenair floats) Lycoming o-320, 150 hp, Currently in annual and flying South florida. Based at Arcadia airport, X06,      dennis@rotagavan.com  for pics and specs,   make offer     

Hi Dennis and thanks for the reply...the only reply LOL.  Does Arcadia count as south Florida?  I'm actually just SW of Miami, by X51.  Unfortunately; while I would love to eventually have an amphib, not in the cards right now...and insurance  on an amphib experimental would be astronomical here in hurricane alley!  Out of curiosity though, what's your useful load on that ship?  Cheers

Mark, I may consider selling mine it's been flying since May it has an0 235 Lycoming with 55 hours since major overhaul and a d 180 efis.It has other attributes that I can discuss if you are interested. Would be looking for $50K.9372663360

Hi Richard,  I think that Lycoming is going to be too heavy for my needs.  That said, I would be interested in seeing a couple photos, description, and a weight/balance if not too much trouble to send?  My full name @bellsouth.net  Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Hi mark if you have not sold your 750 yet I'm interested. I would be interested in seeing a couple photos if not too much trouble. serger2010@yahoo.com

Hi Terry, haven't been on here for awhile...but I was buying not selling!

did you sell this yet? xander80h@gmail.com

Alexander, I'm not sure who you're asking?  I was looking to buy a plane...if your asking Richard above if his is still for sale...nope, that's the one I bought!  Cheers and good luck!

Hi Mark,  I didn't know I was ready to sell until I saw your post.  Arthritis in my hip tells me it's time to move to a higher seat.  Mine was finished in 2013, less than 200 hours on a Jabiru, Dynon equipped, beautiful paint. Never been in the rain.  I have receipts for 50K.  800 hours in the build.  Complete records and photos of the build.  Located at KVER.  

Hi Jerry,

I apologize for not having responded, haven't checked here for awhile and just now seeing this!  I'm sorry to hear about your arthritis but at least you are looking at getting into something more comfortable that still has wings!  I think I may have found a plane but appreciate your response and looks like you built a great plane!  Cheers, Mark

Do you still have this? 


Hi Mark! Have you found a 750 Zenith yet?  Here is the listing on my husbands..its just like new!  Hw does not have time to fly so its a waste sitting in a hanger! 

ZENITH / ZENAIR CH750 STOL • LIGHT-SPORT AIRCRAFT FOR SALE! • "The Sky's The Limit!" $55,000 (US) This advanced 2011 Zenith CH750 Ultra-light ("fit to fly") is the perfect plane for going fishing, camping, gold panning, or for exploring anywhere off the beaten path! Jabiru 3300 engine, Sensenich propeller, Lowrance avionics, dual throttles, strobe lights and much more! Like new..less than 200 hours...always kept in a hangar. • Contact Bill W. Quin, Owner - located Fruitvale, BC Canada • Telephone: 250 367 7425 . 250 921 5524 •



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