Last May I was asked by many attendees of the Great Alaskan Aviation Gathering “what other engines are available for the Zenith 750?”  At the time I named many different engines that are or may be available, including Aeromomentum.  Since then the only Zenith I’ve seen or heard about flying is a 701 owned by the owner of Aeromomentum.  Are there any other Zenith flying with an Aeromomentum? 

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I am interested in this engine as well. Unfortunately, I think most of their efforts are in engineering the products, and not marketing, which is frequently detrimental to the longevity of a company. Many good companies have gone under, not due to poor quality, but poor marketing. I hope Aeromomentum continues to grow and thrive, the product really shows promise.

There is a saying for this: "They are in the aviation business, but not in the business of aviation."

you may be right, but I've not seen or heard about anyone flying their own Zenith with an Aeromomentum engine?

I do remember some sort of announcement (somewhere), of the first customer install flying with an AM engine. Now I'll have to find it.

William Soto

I'm a long way from FWF installation but all my research is leading me to go with aeromomentum as well. The price is attractive and they seem to have a lot of options. I don't feel like I'd be buying it just because its the "cheapest" engine out there. I'm building a 701 by the way.


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