I remember reading the reason for the modified heads on the rivet guns, but for the life of me can't find it...So can someone enlighten me and is it necessary?

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The rivets commonly used on Zenith aircraft have a countersunk head thus they would require dimpling or countersinking of the skins. So I would assume (don't know for sure it was HIS idea) Chris Heintz recommended the rivet puller heads be modified to create a domed head.
Cheers Chris...One more thing to do before I start :(
Jared - I would believe at some point you will have a pnematic riveter. Save yourself some frustration and buy the modified puller heads from Zenith. When I purchased the puller the 2 (A4 & A5) heads came with it. I paid about $95 with shipping (5 years ago).
It's necessary. The countersink-shaped head of the rivet needs to be folded over until it becomes a dome shaped head with total bearing on the part being riveted. When pulled to that shape the nail will "pop" and you have a strong rivet. An added benefit is that it is a more aerodynamic shaped rivet.
You need to read page 9 of the 701-Construction-Manual PDF on the builders resource section of Zenithair.com which describes the process.
I just did mine using the SE-5 egg shaped burr in a die grinder without softening the riveter head. Although I had to build a jig to hold the grinder and the riveter head steady.
A good place to get this burr is from http://www.burrs4less.com/ It cost $9.90. They have a $50 minimum order but I picked up a half dozen other burrs and because I was a first time customer they included a free inline die grinder.
Hi Jared check out Chris Heintz

Heintz Design College Articles: Aircraft Design and Construction

Riveted Joints (Part 2)

the doming pulls the rivets from the top and the bottom which sets the rivets tighter then if you just used a normal domed rivets


Hi all,
Thanks for your answers...and Allan thats exactly what I was trying to find!
"Heintz Design College Articles: Aircraft Design and Construction
Riveted Joints (Part 2)"...Knew I had read it somewhere!
What kind of rivet ( flush or protruding head ) are used on Zenith a/c? countersunk are they the same than flush head like those i can get from A/C Spruce.??
My Cz 701 equiped with protruding rivets when i bought it and i got flush rivets when ordered at Zenith store .
need some infos /pics about rivet gun head modification
Tks a lot
Have a nice w/end
Best regards from La Reunion


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