Hi All

 I have just started my 650B project and I live on the coast,should I etch prime all parts prior to assembly?

Im a little concerned about how much weight it would add?

Any advice will be much appreciated


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Hi Greg,

I am getting closer to flying my 650B and have learned a few things about corrosion protection along the way.

  • Cortec water based primer (Sold by Zenith) has excellent corrosion protection. I used it on my tail, rudder and wings. Biggest complaint that caused me to switch to Etch primer is the cortec is a soft film.
  • The rattle can etch primer (Duplicolor or other in the auto store) provides a good etched bond to aluminum - its major function. But the etch primer is porous to the weather, so it needs a top coat to seal it.
  • If you have a paint booth handy, the ultimate is a two part epoxy primer that gets the bond to aluminum and is also a sealer. If the epoxy has Zinc Chromate, it has better corrosion resistance, but you need to keep the chromate (chromium) out of your lungs. Most paint manufactures have stopped using Zinc Chromate.
  • I used etch primer on many lap seams in the fuselage and wings as a bonding coat and intended this to be painted over with a two part epoxy. Then several paint system manufacturers said their epoxy would lift the etch primer, which is lacquer thinner based.
  • Most experienced builders say don't mix paint brands. I picked Super Flite brand polyurethane and was pleased to find their two part epoxy primer does not have any problem over dried etch primer or dried automotive engine enamel I used in the interior.
  • Glad I picked that brand. I have a three stage turbine sprayer and external air source (Polyurethane tries to kill you) and plan to paint the Zodiac in large pieces this Summer.
  • Best to get a weight estimate from your paint supplier.
  • With all of those Avex pull rivet stems being steel, I swore I was not going to test fly without paint. I have no interest in polishing - then birds would make me paranoid!

Best Regards, Larry Zepp N22LZ, Fort Wayne, IN

Hi Larry

Thanks for the info, will check out comparability before progressing.

Part of my question is should I prime the internal surfaces as well as prime and paint the external surfaces.

Thanks again for your help


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