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I’m in the process of rebuilding an 0200A and want to put a lightweight starter and
alternator on it. If anyone is using the BC433-H gear driven alternator, did the drive
gear assembly from the original Cessna supplied unit fit okay on the BC one. Or
does anyone have a better suggestion.
I'm installing the B&C BC433-H gear driven alternator., I want the voltage regulator on the engine side of the fire wall. Has anyone installed like this? I see in the notes that 221 degrees F is the max temp. Maybe a air blast tube point at that area?
I have recently installed a rebuilt 0-200 in my Cruzer and included the B&C alternator, over voltage circuit and regulator and it works perfectly. Note that there are 3 field lines coming out of the alternator that must be treated as separate circuits. Since I have an ExBus power distribution unit I noticed that the normal Alternator switch on that unit is nothing more than a continuity switch, so I had to wire power to that switch to get the regulator to work by energizing the internal relay (left side of regulator) 12 V positive to ground requirement. the instructions clearly indicate that the regulator and over voltage regulator circuit must be mounted on the pilot side of the firewall because as in most cases the alternator regulator is the most susceptible to heat, therefore it would be unwise to to mount on the engine side. Finally the gear ratio is a little over 2:1 on the coupling gears meaning that 2500 engine rpm gives the alternator 5000 rpms and that the output voltage varies with engine speed. John
got mine mounted on firewall side, no heat problems
I am using a C90 12F which is almost identical to the 0200. It had a dc generator mounted on accessory case, driven with a gear similar to the B&C alternator gear. I removed the generator and mounted a used B&C 40 amp alternator system with the generator gear using the B&C installation instructions. The gear fit on the alternator as indicated and installed onto the accessory drive as indicated in the B&C instructions. I have yet to perform the first engine start so I have not assessed normal operation. But with all this discussion I am reading, I am concerned about the gear I am using. How do you determine what gear is faulty for this application? Is there a way to visually determine if I have a faulty gear? Is there a reason why the generator gear won't work ok on the alternator?
I sent my gear in and let them determine if it would work or not, unfortunately I had to purchase the updated gear. I went through Aircraft Spruce and they required that the gear be sent in.
I think I'll do the same just to be on the safe side. I'll probably send the used alternator also and have them check it out.
I sent in my B&C alternator with the old generator gear attached for eval and ops check which is required by B&C before installing on a newly overhauled engine. Came back approved and ops check ok. It is now installed on newly overhauled O200A. Will soon be ready for first start.
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