
Details of the oil cooler we chose for the AM15 and the mounting. It is a Mishimoto 10 row universal oil cooler. We did have to purchase 90 degree swivel adapters for the top of the cooler from another source, as Mishimoto did not sell them. Also, the universal cooler comes with 4 and 5 ft lines, which  we only needed lines about 1 ft, so we had to cut them down. Basically the mount is part of the lower radiator mount and stiffened by the angles previously used to stiffen the bottom of the radiator. It was all VERY tight, but it does fit. See attached photos.

Also created a shield for the oil filter of 1/8" aluminum. Hopefully you can see that in the photos as well.

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Hi Tim, nice install!  Could you post another picture of the shield for the oil filter?  I don't really see it in the photo's.

Hopefully these pics will show you the detail you need to see. It was certainly a trial and error fit around the oxygen sensor. I used the same bolts that hold the front muffler hanger. You just have to play with the angle until you get it to fit between the muffler and oil filter. Everything in that whole area is very tight.

Send me your email address, the forum and I aren't getting along tonight for adding pictures.

Thanks Tim, here's my email:  rpf789@gmail.com

Trying to attach pics again.






Last one...


How well does that cooler fit in the aeromomentum supplied cowling?

Why did you decide to do it this way rather than like on the RV12 where it is mounted against the side of the engine in a box and fed with a scat hose? Seems like that approach would keep everything a bit more compact.

Because the oil cooler that aeromomentum sells does not currently come with the mounts, Mark says they are coming, but I didn't want to wait. I asked Mark if I could make mounts for his oil cooler myself, he said it would be difficult to do that. Hence the reason I went with this style mount. I got the idea from Andy's RV12 on youtube.

It fits with tons of clearance to the bottom of the cowl, but we will have to figure out how to duct air to it. It kinda seems like the oil cooler was an afterthought from Aeromomentum. I am a bit disappointed, in that the design and the parts, should have been in the firewall forward.

Hi Tim good Job.

I asked for photos of the oil mounting from Mark and the attached photo is of the mounts they look very well made, I have not ordered them I will ask the cost and decide from there, as I am in New Zealand the exchange rates and shipping costs etc etc make a big difference.


Those mounts do look very nice. Best of luck to you on whatever you decide. It remains to be seen if my mount will hold up over time, definitely not as beefy as those mounts.

I gotta say the 10AN stainless oil cooler lines are so stiff, they will hold the cooler, even if the mounts fail. My major concern with the mount is the lack of material on the starboard side mount. To clear the bottom radiator hose, you must trim very close to the bolt hole, so there is not a lot of material left.

I am not sure why the radiator bungs had to be welded so close to the hose connections, maybe there is a reason???


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