I am at the stage joining front and aft fuselage. In that operation, I am discovery a "strange" construction: The top extrusion going from the frontpart of the seat, and back to / inside the aft fuselage has to be BENT (more than I like) to fit inside the aft fuselage. THE REASON why this happens is the front / side of the seat is vertical ! (the front of the front-sidepanel are riveted into the tubing that is allmost vertical, and aft it is riveted into the aft-fuselage that is sertenly NOT vertical, This result oufcourse that the front-sidepanel needs to "twist" as it goes aft to the aft-fuselage. But the front seatpanel is 90 degr. and restrickt this "twist" ?? resulting in bending the extrusion...


Q : why did i not cut this "seatpanel" with a litle angle (4 degr.) then this would not happens!


ANSWER: the drawings says 90 degr.?


Any good comments on this one?

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Einar Arne;
Go to drawing 7F9. If you are referring to 7F9-8 rear stiffener. Look at the drawing for the 1400mm 3/4 x 3/4 stiffener.
Note above says:
Drill corner relief hole in top flange (of 7F9-8 angle) bend is 30 degrees in line with aft bend in the cabin side skin. 7F9-1
Note: cabin side skin is bent 15 degrees inboard.
If you have already figured this out let us know what the problem was.
Hi Jerome

My reliefhole is ok, at the aft end of the "sidepanel".(7F9)

My issue is pointed to the A-A line in drawing 7F9: If you look at the drawing and find A-A. to the rigth is 7F9-5 and it is fixed to the front and is vertical by 90 degr (OK)

If you look to the left of A-A you find the bend line(following the front of the aft fuselage)and that "area" is angeled innboards. (due to narrower top-fuselage) (OK)

Because of these 2 outerpoint are not at the same angle, you will get a naturally "twist" in the sidepanel (OK)

BUT BUT: the seatfront side (7F11-1), is cutted with 90 degr. Resulting that all the "naturally twist" will only be possible to do behind(aft) the seatfront......

AND THAT is bending (more than I like) the 7F9-8, between A-A and the 7F9-3

At the picture I am pointing at the area, that I would have changed the drawings ( if I were a designer). Making a angled cut, at the ends of the seatfront.

But maybee my 701 is going to be strong enough anyway, because the design is well-prooven...At least: I do not loose my sleep at nigth because of this....

(thanks for the innterest, in maybee a difficult thing to understand?)

Einar-Arne --- Norway


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