My R/R connector burned last week and I have been doing a lot of research on this topic.  Has anyone changed their R/R from the factory supplied one to a "better" one like a Shindengen Mosfet?  I have exchanged emails with a Motorcycle guy who has sold several to kit plane builders with great success.  He was also a test pilot for another airplane manufacture for many years and knows our business.  He had to give me the obligatory "they are not designed for aircraft" but still spoke highly of them.  He recommended a 50-amp R/R even though I only have a 30-amp Stator as it will handle up to 50 amps and he says it will be easier on the Stator as well...Thoughts?

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It appears that you used a mounting bracket instead of bolting directly to the fire wall. What was the reason? Do I need to order a bracket along with my new R/R? Wouldn’t the firewall act as a heat sink if bolted flat?


Yes, I hand bent an aluminum bracket from scrap.  I wanted some offset from the firewall for heat dissipation.  It is not required but was easy to bend so I added it...It also keeps the wires from resting right up at the firewall as well (easier to install and remove).

Here is a recording post install...ignore that I refer to it as the Stator by mistake.

Another option for a for a 50 amp MOSFET Regulator/Rectifier Replacement 

Ray @ ULPower suggested this one.  He's used it one at least one aircraft.  I bought one today.


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