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Be sure to NOT use an O2 sensor with the Viking engine. It does not use one:)
O2 sensors are used for initial engine tuning and for low power feedback on cars operating at 40% power and less. They are not used on any of the closely tuned Viking engines as delivered.
Thanks for sharing that. I added that to my other thread.
Can someone link to technical discussions on WHY an aircraft engine running on mogas should not utilize closed loop feedback from an O2 sensor? All of my experience with low altitude engines (including some that operate WAY above 40% power output most of their life) says that open loop operation burns more fuel and makes less power. Note: I am in no way saying that Viking is wrong to eliminate them. I just want to understand the science behind it.
My experience has been the same. Even ultra high hp drag cars run O2 sensors to get the most out of them, not sure why you wouldn't run them???
I agree, not sure why you wouldn't use it. I know the Aeromomentum engine uses an O2 sensor.
One reason not to use an O2 sensor on a Viking engine (or any other engine in an aircraft application) is that you would be restricted to mogas, which many airports don't carry. The lead in 100LL Avgas would foul up the O2 sensor rather quickly.
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