Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
The Viking website says 8 oz of 75w90 or 75w140 Mobil 1 full synthetic gear oil. Which is preferred and why? Why specifically Mobil 1? Are other brands acceptable? Happy flying.
Hey Matt:
We like the Mobile 1 and it has had extensive testing, some other brands tend to foam giving less than desirable outcome.
Either of the viscosities can be used, the 140 can sometimes not be as readily available, it just gives slightly lower temperatures
Thank you, Alissa
Lucas actually makes a full synthetic 75w140
We have had issues with Lucas foaming - we have tested many without finding anything that lubricates as well as the Mobile 1. As far as we test, we use and what is recommended in the system it is Mobile 1 - anything outside of that we haven't tested long term use and longevity issues.
Got it changed. I found Mobil 1 75w140 full synthetic and used it. The oil I drained out looked good. Happily flying behind a Viking
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