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Recently I was taxiing to the run up and happened to notice that my oil pressure gauge (MGL EFIS) said 0 so I hightailed it back to the hangar and shut down. I've no idea how long it had said 0 which got me to wondering how long from oil pressure going away does it take for the parts to start hitting each other?
After a few minutes wait I turned my panel on again and the oil pressure was back up, and starting the engine was fine and I taxied around for a bit and everything seemed ok. I'm guessing the sender wire has an issue, but how do I know for sure?
You should be able to rig mechanical gage in place of the sending unit for a check. Also I have a MGL EFIS and have programmed the EFIS alarm to alarm with low oil pressure.
Hi Bill,
When the engine is off and you turn the panel on, does it show a value for oil pressure? Mine usually shows 1.4 but now sometimes it shows that, other times 0. And it’s always showing 0 when the engine is running now.
on mine it shows 0 and the Effis alarm light is on. As soon as the engine starts the oil pressure comes up and the alarm light goes off. It’s hard for mr to believe the oil pump failed completely, sounds like a sending unit or bad wire connection.
Paul, when I dumped my oil inflight at cruise due to the oil filter backing off (UL Power 350iS) the engine gave me almost 100 seconds of turning before seizing! I had to run it to make a suitable forced landing area.
Thanks for the replies. I was surprised I didn’t get an alarm for the oil pressure, need to revise my settings. Sounds like a real lack of pressure will result in unpleasant sounds pretty quickly, and I’m glad things worked out alright for you David.
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