Long story short, I hd settled on a Viking 130 for my 750 STOL but have decided to go with the Jabiru 3300 instead. Unfortunately I already bought a three blade 68" Whirlwind prop for the Viking. Anybody know if that's usable on the Jabiru?

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No, it isn't the prop flange is a completely different bolt pattern. Our flange has a 4" Rotax pattern. Also lengths and things of that nature operate differently on air-cooled and geared I would do what Jabiru recommends. -Alissa

Thanks, Alissa. Guess I'll be selling my prop.

Bob, I’m in the market for a prop for my Viking. 210-781-6415 jimmy

Great. I'll call tomorrow or Saturday (busy day tomorrow). In the meantime, this is the ad Jonathan Fay posted about the prop when I bought it from him;


I see on your profile you have a 701 with a Rotax. Not sure if you're upgrading or building something else, but this prop was purchased for the Viking 130, which I believe is a bigger engine than you'd want in a 701. I have no idea if it fits the smaller Viking 110, but we should both be sure this is an appropriate choice for you before any money is exchanged.

If it is a Viking 110 - it will not work for the Viking 130. The 110 was a two gear gearbox, meaning it would be turning in the opposite direction. It will work for a 90 and a 130 without issue. -Alissa

James, did you ever determine if this prop was going to work for you? Are you still flying with a Rotax?


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