Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Due to family health issues and subsequent move I am having to sell my CH 750 CruZer. My plane is powered by a rebuilt Lycoming 0-320 of 150 hp and is completely vinyl wrapped. My panel consists of a Levil 3AW driving 2 Apple iPad Air 2’s with ADSB in and AHRS and engine data from a GRT EIS 4000 shown on either or both iPads as well navigation input, MGL V6 transceiver and a Collins transponder. It utilizes a 3 gallon header tank with panel mounted gauge and alarm, fed by 2 15 gallon wing tanks, 21 inch mains and vortex generators on both the wings and horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and has a Reserve Lift Indicator. Asking $79,900. Located in Jennings Louisiana K3R7. Contact Chris at
Sorry.....Asking $79,900
Located at Jennings Louisiana K3R7
is it a stol or cruzer?
Is this aircraft registered as an LSA or 1440# EAB?
Joe T.
Registration shows it as EAB.
Joe T.
Very nice Chris. I am using an IPad panel as well but when I asked GRT about the GRT4000 data being shown on the IPad they told me that was not possible - how did you do that?i
Tks James. I am using a Talos so I'm assuming there is no software in it to talk to the GRT4000 or vice versa. Still have the GRT screen for info so not a big loss but nice to have it on one screen.
Good Morning Mr. Brammer, I just saw your aircraft for sale. I'm looking at several 750's, is yours still for sale?
Regards, Steve Mennuti
Steve, Chris sold it a couple of weeks ago. He may not be following this, so I’m answering on his behalf.
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