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Can someone help me out with the link to the plans site?
We're re-plumbing this 801 for 1/2" fuel lines. Also, I'd like to look the plans over to see if there is a bung on the front of the tanks (4) to run a forward supply from. It appears there weren't any in the initial build.
OK found the plans site... Good on that.
A question for you gents that built and flew your zeniths. Did you only use one fuel supply, on the rear of the tank? Have you ever had nose low fuel starvation issues @ lower fuel levels? Am I wasting time thinking I need a pickup in the front of the tank?
The plans show no forward fuel pick up, am I over thinking this?
I have never had any issues with it in my 801 (rear fuel pickups only) I do believe there was an 801 accident at one time from attitude related fuel flow interruption, but it was from roll attitude causing loss of flow when turning to final….
IMHO the easy fix is a header tank, and that lets you burn all your fuel in each tank without worry about fuel interruption. I think I had about 200 hrs on mine when I installed the header tank.
So we went with a 1/2" system...plenty of flow and no need for a pump.
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