Hey guys,
I am doing the Rotec 45acp alternator kit on my 3300, what voltage regulator would you recommend for this ?

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That was really helpful.

Isn't the voltage requlator built into the alternator?

I have a Camit 3300 and the regulator is with the alternator.

The Rotec install guide states it does not use the Jabiru regulator and never addresses installing a new one, so I would assume it is built into the alternator, which is standard for most alternators as I understand it.


There's also no external regulator shown on the wiring diagram.


That's correct Bob, you definitely have a requlator built in.  The screw terminal will charge your battery(heavier gauge wire) and the two spade plug that looks like a "T" is used for your instrumentation.  One is used for your voltage output and the other to connect a light


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