Hi. I would like to see an 750 and a 701 before deciding of which one to build. I live in Prince George, Bc and would like to know if and who built one of these and if they are willing to show them to me. Thanks, Klaus Gebert.

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Hi Klaus,

We built and are flying a 750 Cruzer at RAA Chapter 85 at Delta Heritage air park, There is a flying 701 at the air park, a member has just finished a 750 stol (his plane is at Langley) and I will have my 701 at Delta in the next couple weeks for final assembly. If you find yourself in the lower mainland we would be happy to show the above and possibly get you a flight in RAA Cruzer.


Hi Perry.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I am not in a rush. Still have over 2 feet of snow.  Snow normally gone by end of April. Then busy till end of May, beginning of June. Still living on our ranch so often I have to make snap decissions about travel. It appears it will be a busy year. So thank you for your offer. I will gladly accept it. About me. I had a sail plane pilot licence before I was eligible for a drivers licence. I don't know about other pilots but when I seat in any vehicle, machine or plane I like to feel  to become part of it. This is why I like to check out both models of  the Zeniths.  Regards, Klaus Gebert.

I have a 701 in Smithers, and you're welcome to come see it if you'll be out this way, but it won't be flying for several months at least. 

When I was deciding what kind of aircraft I wanted, I used the Advanced Search function in the Canadian Aircraft Register to find nearby examples of the types I was interested in, and then I contacted the owners by phone or letter depending on what contact info I could find online. The people I managed to reach were happy to show me their aircraft, and they turned out to be good contacts, so I recommend doing that around PG. The search function is a bit clunky though, so you do have to get creative.

If you can get down to Delta where Perry is, that would be a great opportunity.


Hi Matt.

Thanks for quick reply. I like to visit you and check out you 701. It would certainly the closest one to me. I am not in a hurry. We live rural on our ranch and leaving it is not always advisable. I do not know how this forum works so hear is my question/ How would I hold of you when I would have time? Or you would get hold of me?

Regards, Klaus Gebert.

Hi Klaus - sounds good. I see your email address - I will send you an email.

From Kamloops and currently flying a 750 with a 912is. Building another 750 with a Rotax 915is in Vernon at Skytek. If you want to see one under construction or want to go for a flight drop me a line.


Dean Wichmann

Hi Dean.

Thanks for your reply and generous offer. I did not expect to fly in one but would gladly accept your offer. As a long, long time ago sailplane pilot it is important to me to feel as part of the plane. I don't know if that makes sense to you and since this would be my first build I would be open to learning from a experienced builder. For further information, how would I get in contact with you?

Regards, Klaus Gebert. 


Hi Klaus

While my first solo was in a 172 many, many years ago, my love has been in flying ultralights and rc aircraft. I built a Rotax 447 powered miniMax in the late 80s and enjoyed flying that for 20 years. I understand your desire to " feel " the aircraft. The 750 is NOT like a 172 but closer to flying a ultralight in that it requires throttle management. It is a draggy airframe but can do amazing things if you are willing to learn its secrets. 



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