Ivoprop on 912 - no engine damage after full-power crash

Just a brief note here on one odd little advantage of having an Ivoprop, an inexpensive but also less efficient prop that some fancier ones. 

A Rotax mechanic I know  just did a crankshaft & gearbox inspection on a 912UL (no slipper clutch) from a 601 that crash landed in a corn field under full power, in a takeoff accident, coming to a stop with a ground run of under 100 ft, wiping out the gear and splintering the prop into chunks of carbon fiber and its foam core.

(The Ivoprop is a lot less solid than the Warp Drive carbon fiber prop, for example, which also has a much higher moment of inertia.)

The mechanic did a full Rotax approved inspection of the engine, disassembling the gearbox, checking for prop flange for out of round, crank shaft for distortion / runout, NDT dye & magnetic particle inspection on the gear box housing and gears.

And the result was: The 912 was OK!  Not the usual result when an aircraft wipes out its prop, when under power.

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You are a very lucky man.

Usually almost impossible to have such chance.



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