Hi to all. I have put my 650 on Barnstormers with all the details and pictures.


UL 350i engine requires either 91 Octane car gas or 100 LL Avgas, 5 gph at 100 knots cruise. Fully integrated Dynon 10" and 7" screens, Dynon avionics, EFIS, Moving VFR map, Synthetic Vision, Dynon radio and Intercom, XPonder. ADSB in/out. Autopilot, heated leather seats, 50 amp generator,  and much more. Location Woodstock, CT.

Now Listed for $57,750

Call or Text Jeff at 860-455-5265

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Hi Jeff.  I'm guessing your wanting a flying Cruzer, but I have a Cruzer kit that I am trying to sell in order to change to a 650.  Look at my ad here in the classified to see how far along it is.

Hi Jeff. I just put my 2014 650 on Barnstormers for sale. Please see the details and pictures there if interested.

Jeff Driscoll

Thanks for calling yesterday, congrats on selling your Cruzer kit and considering my 650!


May I suggest you post a link to the Barnstormers page?  

Joe T.


Thanks for posting the photos.  I couldn't find it on Barnstormers.

How many hours, airframe and engine?

How many owners?

Joe T.

Hi Joe, here's the link: https://www.barnstormers.com/classified-1745653-Zenith-650-2014.html

It has 580 hours TT airframe, 275 hours SMOH. Help me out here, I need to improve my ad if you couldn't find it. What did you search for?



Thanks for posting the photos and the link.

It's been a few days since I posted the request to add the Barnstormers link.  I see you have added some photos to this page and other information on this page.  When I went to search Barnstormers, I couldn't find what I thought was your ad.  I may have seen it and didn't realize it was your plane.  

Could you provide more info on the engine hours and what caused the overhaul?

Also, what is the owner history?  (How many owners)

Did you build it?


Joe T.

Hi Joel, I bought the plane from the builder in 2015. At 325 hours (260 hours ago), my motor started using excessive oil. A visual inspection of the cylinders revealed some unusual corrosion. The factory decided to do a full investigation and paid for it to be shipped to Belgium for tear down. They inspected every part and replaced anything showing signs of wear or corrosion. They concluded that the engine was improperly stored before put into service. So it was virtually a new engine at 325 hours! 

Not a single problem since then.



Thank you for the info.  Have you had any engine problems since the UL factory overhaul?

Also, thanks for posting the Barnstormer's ad.  


Joe T.

Hi, not a single problem since the overhaul. About 270 hours, an extensive test you might say.



Do you plan to attend the EAA AirVenture this July?

Joe T.

Hi, I won't be at Oshkosh. Where do you live?



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