Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I find that Rotax 912ULS CHT Sensors, part 965531, cost $195 each. Has anyone found a more economical replacement?
I would think there has to be a cheaper alternative out there. Some of the prices Rotax charge for small parts is insane! I have a Rotax 912ULS too and hate being ripped off for parts too. I can somewhat understand it with a certified engine but not with the uncertified version. I believe they are (were) made by VDO. i haven't needed to source an alternate yet but this might be worth investigating.
VDO 323-801-010-001D
If it works, let me know!
With my kitfox I just rebuilt mine. Don’t remember the part number offhand but I ordered from digikey
I just heated up and cleaned out old, soldered wires to sensor and potted back in
I should mention that my kitfox was a 93 912ul and I believe it may have had different temp coefficients
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