Datum 2000 Lite main ski set with wheels/tires and Nose ski 1000 with dedicated wheel/tire/front fork and extension setup.  Asking $6K USD  These are rigged with proper cable lengths, bungees, etc.  I can also provide insight and required brackets for installng on 750 fuselage for cable attach points as well as electrical switch panel/hardware for operation. This is as close to plug and play for a retractable ski install on a  750 airframe as you will find.  The set includes the two main gear wheels and tire setup for running on skis, and a complete front nosegear assembly for rapid changout to front ski setup.  This front assembly will work on any curved nose gear strut bracket and includes; fork with 3" extension, wheel/tire, snubber shock etc.  Drop front fork, bolt the assembly up and you are done on the front!

 I am starting to clear the hangar for a different project and unfortunately cannot use these on the next airplane.  Could possible make a combo deal on 1450A floats and skis if desire both.

Contact via friend request for more details/particulars if interested.

"Sky Turtle" says hurry...Winter is only 5 months away LOL!!


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Those are great skis. Lots of guys up here in Ontario, Canada flying on them.

I agree Bob, I plan on having Datum supply me with the appropriate set for the new project.  Jean-Marc (owner/designer) is a inventor/craftsman who is a pleasure to deal with.


You still have these skis for sale?
Dan Booker

Still available...PM sent

Looking at your skis again. Do you still have them?

I do...PM sent


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