Looking for 701 transition training and having no luck. Can someone point me in the right direction. Based in Washington north of Seattle but willing to travel to get it done. Thanks!

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As far as I'm aware of the only person who offers transition training is Phil Cook at Lavion Aero.  He's somewhat expensive because he specializes in assisting people with Phase 1 flight testing, but I believe he's the only one left after Buzz shut down.  The training will have to be done in your airplane because he doesn't have a LODA for this kind of thing in his.  His e-mail address is phil@lavion.aero.

What a PIA it’s been for us. The underwriter relented to letting my cfi self check out ..... 3 hours solo. Wouldn't let me a commercial glider tow pilot roll my own. Any way, no one I tried to find locally responded to my messages so my only alternative is to turn a brand new 5 hour old engine to someone else.. the zenith community at least here in UT is nothing like the rv community. 

Like it or lump it I guess. 

I have no doubt time in a 701 would be acceptable to an underwriter … it would have been nice to have found someone like you local.

Where you located Jim - I wouldn’t mind flying with you for familiarization and time in type.

Yes, for insurance coverage. The quote states dual which infers with a CFI but I think having the opportunity to fly with another pilot in either their plane or mine would be beneficial.

Thanks Jonathan, I will see if he is willing.

Some distance for sure from Seattle. For the moment I'll try to arrange something closer, but I'll keep you in mind if things don't work out. Thanks again Jim for your willingness to take on a fellow 701 flyer. Kerry

Hi Jonathan,

Apologize for the late thank you, but did in fact connect with Phil and he is willing to fly out to Seattle and give me a hand when the time is right. I just acquired the 701 then promptly left for Germany. Have recently returned and now it's due for an annual. Should finish that by the end of Dec just in time for winter weather. So hopefully he and I can link up in the next few months. Thanks for the help. Kerry

Might try Conor Whitehead in Carleton WA.  Pianosa Farms. Replies on this forum sometimes.

Did trade texts with Connor a few months ago; he couldn't do it at the time and referred me to Josh Apple who I haven't yet connected with. Thanks, Kerry

Just completed some maint on my 750 and planning on a PMCF to BVS tomorrow AM.  Lmk if you want a ride. 

Would like to join you. Let me know about what time and I'll plan at being at BVS with radio in hand.


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