Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I have a 130 installed on a 601. Trying to get it to start for the first time. It cranks, 12 volts at the ECU, has fuel, 44-49lbs, tried putting fuel in the air filter. Pulled a plug and grounded it there was spark while cranking. I removed all the plugs checked, the gap, cranked it and there is fuel in the cylinders. Jan has tested the ECU on his engine test stand and it works. I also checked all the electrical connections on the engine. Any thoughts
I have had similar issues on mine. Are you sure there is no air trapped in fuel lines? I need to bleed fuel lines after work, else it will not start. I crack fuel inlet to high pressure pump with feed pump running and let fuel spray a bit. Even now mine starts hard if it has sat unused for extended time.
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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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