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Hello all, I'm having some trouble tuning my Dynon autopilot for the pitch axis. The roll axis seems to be good. Does anyone out there have a CH750 STOL with a Dynon skyview autopilot that is tuned and working smoothly and would like to share their pitch settings?
First a couple of questions:
How is your pitch handling? You really did not mention what it is doing wrong. Are you looking for a starting point?
When you go hands-off is the aircraft in trim?
How aggressively do you have it set?
Hi Jonathan, i have it to the point where it seems to hold pitch for a minute or 2 in smooth air but then it begins to oscillate about the altitude bug and continues to get worse to the point where I have to disconnect AP. I have been spending hours trying to get the correct settings to no avail. Attached are my current pitch settings.PXL_20230402_143536571.jpg
Hi Jonathan, yes thanks i have.and i have followed it but stil can't seem to get it perfect. Do you have pitch settings you can share?
Hi folks still tuning my autopilot to get it just right. Can anyone out there with a CH750 STOL and Dynon Autopilot share their pitch and roll setpoint settings with me please?
Thanks again,
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