2018 kit. Serial #C75-10856.   One wing & tail surfaces assembled (& clecoed as needed for inspection).  Fuselage partially assembled.

Located in Thornbury, Ontario (near Collingwood), CANADA.

Included are the full Zenair/Zenith Airframe kit, Finishing kit (that includes gear, windshield, etc.), plus the Upholstery kit, Dual Sticks kit, Clecos, but does not include engine, engine mount, instruments. 


(I also have a used Rotax 912, Microair radio, and EIS engine display available separately, from the previous Zenair my dad & I built & flew.)


Unused hardware is still in the original sealed bags. The Cruzer kit is pre-punched and self-aligning so it assembles quickly.


Current kit costs would be about $60,000 Canadian; prices have increased in recent years.  Original owner did much of the work so far; my dad bought the kit from him and mostly finished the tail. He had fun puttering around on the project but realizes he's getting too old to finish another plane.

Asking $24,000 Canadian.

Peter Chapman    pmchap@gmail.com


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hi peter ,

   is the eis for the rotax 912? probes? 

how much $

thanks michael

Hi Michael, I am going to put an advert up when I get the chance today, but for the Grand Rapids EIS:

It is the EIS-3-Adv-W/912, which was the current version for the 912 back in '99 when it was installed on my former airplane. (Their newer models are a little different, always some other new feature, but this is still oriented specifically for the 912!)  I should have all the sensors for it, except the FloScan fuel flow sensor (that got sold separately).  Asking $700 Cdn... which of course will be a lower number in USD.

Hi Peter,

Just wanted to confirm if this is available or sold?


Harry @ 647 887 4284


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