Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Just finished Subject. Want to share my thoughts and if anyone needs a purchase list I have one for a 701. I will add to this a bit at a time but my opening remark is WOW it’s a lot of work and money. And when you’re done, the airplane doesn’t look any different. Took me about three weeks to do the work and a couple months of planning and ordering stuff. Yikes. But like most things there were good and bad to be had.
Hi Bob,
Apologies, I just noticed your request. Happy New Year, sent!
Yes please, also interested as I have to do it next year.
P.S: I think it would be better to do it on condition. Because the change of all the parts might be riskier than the rubber condition. My lines still look like brand new.
Sent. I agree on-condition should be the way to go. But how do you determine what the inside of the lines look like? I suppose the fine fuel filter and engine oil filter would reveal early symptoms of inner hose degradation. But my operating limitations are a part of the Airworthiness Certificate and they state "The aircraft may not be operated unless the replacement for life-limited articles specified in the applicable technical publications pertaining to the aircraft and its articles are complied with..." and it goes on to specify how to comply based on other factors. I could interpret this does not apply but then I risk the lawyers arguing I should have complied should I crash and hurt someone, so I decided to just do it.
Time for a follow up, trying to add things as I come across them. As I had to drain the wing tanks and Zenith not-quite-a-gascolator sump box anyway and remove the three quick sample drain valves to do so, when took a look at their O-ring gaskets I ordered new ones. One of the three looked good, one fair, and one was cruddy. Highly recommend you replace yours as a part of this effort. If you have the Saf-Air Cav-110 valves that Zenith supplied in the finishing kit you’ll need to buy the gasoline-compatible O-rings, I bought Parker Hannifin part number M83248/1-006. Cleaned the valves with a brass brush and slipped the new O-rings on. Working well so far.
Hi Jim,
What sealant for reinstall ?
Hylomar Blue universal. Wish I had found it years ago. I’m done messing with Permatex formagasket that stuff is awful and never worked well for me.
Another thing that just popped in my brain. I could kick myself for not weighing the aircraft while all the (usable) fuel was out of the tanks. Would be interesting to see if she gained any weight over the past five years.
hi Jim,
Could you forward me a copy of your replacement list.
Thank you
Have ordered the Hylomar. Thanks!
What did you use on your tire replacement for the o ring / groove and wheel halves outside the bolt holes for a sealant ? Would the Hylomar work for any part of the job?
Have a good holiday weekend!
Hi Gary, sent, break-
Thomas, I only used Vaseline. Lots of it. If you have air escaping from anywhere other than the fill valve, it’s because of a leaking O-Ring in the groove. If I had low or flat tire in a remote spot, in a pinch I would use a Berryman product to get me home.
Jim and Amelia, great info, thank you. Been looking forward to your discussions since I began my 701 build. I've been browsing every thing Rotax vs Viking. I see there is a ton of info on the Rotax. Mentioned Viking and got grumblings from the local builder gathering. Take away - I need to hear from more pilots, like yourself, flying behind these engines. Still browsing the engine forums during building breaks. Thanks again, back to building. -BC
Another thing- for the 701 anyway- with the carbs, muffler, oil cooler and oil lines, etc. removed, check those rubber engine isolation mounts too. I did not replace them as they looked good, but I did tighten them up a bit. Also, if you need to replace them, ask Zenith for a price before you go anywhere else- much better quote- they are quite pricy at the authorized Rotax places.
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