Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hi, I have multiple items for sale from a 601xlb that I'm parting out. Prices listed or best offer (prices include shipping unless otherwise specified)
ACS# 05-07872 A-750 6' throttle control (red knob) - $80
Aeroflash 152-0011 12v strobe power supply (2) - $175 each or both for $325
ACS# 05-13900 Black knob friction control - $100
601XLB Canopy - $500 (plus shipping... I have no idea what shipping would be)
MA3-SPA Carb pulled from a 120hp Corvair - $600
2 sets of rudder pedals, one has brake pedals and master cylinders attached - $400
Aileron torque tube (the one that runs from the front to the back of the cockpit) - $100
Also, not sure what it's called, but i have the tube that runs from one side to the other and provides a step to get into the cockpit - $75
Pictures and additional info available upon request
Hi Dale: Interested in the canopy. Could you send a couple of pics to my email address? Thanks Paul
Hi Paul,
(Sorry for the late response... for some reason I'm not getting emails through from
Yep, I'm going down to the hangar again tomorrow; I'll take a couple of pics and send to your email
The canopy, carb, and one Aeroflash have been sold.
The remaining items are still available
ACS# 05-07872 A-750 6' throttle control (red knob) - $80
Aeroflash 152-0011 12v strobe power supply - $175
ACS# 05-13900 Black knob friction control - $100
2 sets of rudder pedals, one has brake pedals and master cylinders attached - $400
Aileron torque tube (the one that runs from the front to the back of the cockpit) - $100
The second Aeroflash has been sold
The remaining items are still available
ACS# 05-07872 A-750 6' throttle control (red knob) - $80
ACS# 05-13900 Black knob friction control - $100
2 sets of rudder pedals, one has brake pedals and master cylinders attached - $400
Aileron torque tube (the one that runs from the front to the back of the cockpit) - $100
Hi Dale
I am interested in 2 sets of ridder pedals with brake pedals master cylinders …
can you send me a photo please ?
Hi Ramesh,
Pictures attached.
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