I sent my LODA (letter of deviation) request to the FAA about a week ago and received the LODA today.

It says I am now legal to receive flight training in my experimental aircraft. This is limited to after the Phase 1 is complete.

Surprisingly it does NOT state that I cannot receive primary flight training which I understood from the original documents. Perhaps it doesn't say it because it is covered elsewhere.

The LODA also says a flight instructor is authorized to exercise the privileges of this LODA in any
experimental aircraft for which he or she is qualified to provide flight training.

You must keep a copy of the LODA in the aircraft.

The only significant ops limit is that the LODA expires after 48 months. Presumably you will be able to apply for a new one at that time. This assumes the FAA won't change the rules in the meantime....

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That has some welcome insights. Thanks.

Although the FAA rushed this out in a questionable manner, at least they have an efficient process: I read Gary's post and applied for my 750 STOL's LODA on 7/9 and received it today, 7/14!



Put mine in a few days ago, they responded within two days and just asked for my current mailing address.  Hopefully it comes through as quickly as it did for you guys...

Received mine within a week of requesting it.  Not sure what the point of all this is though. Ask for a piece of paper with my tail number and type aircraft on the request, nothing else requested of me, then receive the piece of paper. But somehow I do feel safer. And to think the past three times I’ve flown with a CFI in my aircraft without it.  Wow, that was close.  No longer will I be risking life and limb.  I’ve got my piece of paper. Although now I do have Federal authority to be a deviate...

I'll bet that piece of paper went through several bureaucrat's hands at the FAA!

I'm sure the FAA thanks you for ensuring their employees' job security!  Oh wait, I forgot, they're federal employees - their job is secure whether they do any work or not! LOL!


Still waiting...

Yay!  LODA arrived.  Allows me to "exercise the privileges of the LODA" in any experimental for which qualified to provide instruction.  Sounds rather official...

Sounds rather official...

Well, the FAA wouldn't want you to get instruction, or heaven forbid, actually learn anything without it being "official!"  LOL!


Actually got to use the LODA this past week to give some dual instruction to a recent purchaser of a STOL 750.  Though it is seems to be only an interim process, in some ways this whole kerfuffle with LODAs has made it easier to obtain one then before.  

I requested mine by email, got it in an hour and a half


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