This engine was just removed from my Cessna 150. It ran almost 100 hours in the past year and gave me great reliability, but reluctantly I swapped it out for an overhauled engine because of a leaking case bolt that requires splitting the case to fix.  The cost of labor for a certified aircraft did not justify the expense in an older engine.  Would make a great engine for a Zenith. I'm building a Sonex, which doesn't support the O-200.

I'm selling my core - just listed on Barnstormers for $6500 but would be happy to discount the price for a homebuilder.

Pickup only - Lancaster PA

All logs
No prop strike
1550smoh / 5200 TT
One prior overhaul (crank new at last overhaul)
Engine was running strong, compressions 70+ and normal oil analysis prior to removal from service a couple of months ago

Slick Mags (one just completed inspection earlier this year)

Not including:
Vac pump