The air duct installation kit that came with the Jabiru Gen 4 is a little bit different from what I have seen in videos and manuals.

The front baffle now has a curve, or flange (see photos). Since the fiberglass parts fit is less than perfect, I would like to check whether I am positioning them properly.

How have others installed these baffles?

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No experience with the Gen 4, but it looks like good positioning to me.  However, on my Gen 2/3 engine, on the left side I cut out the area that covers the oil filter and instead glassed-in a ramp across the entire width of the intake and also installed a ramp on the right duct, too.  It allows oil filter removal without having to raise up the duct and also improves air flow to the cylinders:

(Sorry for the low-contrast/poor picture quality, but basically on both sides there's a ramp that starts at the lower inlet edge and angles up to the visible cylinder fins.  There is a circular cut-out in the left ramp (pilot's perspective) that feeds a ducted oil sump cooler, but it's doubtful you'll need that on the Gen 4.)



Hello, John

I downloaded your pictures and adjusted some parameters, so I can see exactly what you mean.

I also don't like the way the oil filter is sort of encased by the duct.

Nice solution, thanks for sharing!



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