Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
complete set of videos with Dynex portable DVD player (includes remote and battery charger) all for $150 plus shipping. Send message or email to Tom Anderson.
You paid for the videos and have every right to dispose of them as you wish, but generally, most members recommend donating the videos to a worthy effort such as an EAA chapter or an aviation class at high school, etc.(and take the tax deduction!). They encourage the purchase of new videos from HomebuiltHelp since Jon Croke, the proprietor, has proven to be an invaluable resource for builders and flyers of Zenith aircraft. It takes hours and hours to produce a video series and I suspect Jon is not getting rich doing making these videos and I and many members encourage his support and protection of his intellectual property.
John, I am getting ready to sell my project which is about 90% complete, would you also recommend that I donate that to a worthy cause so as not affect the sales efforts of Zenith. I am not in a tax bracket that allows me the opportunity to deduct such an item.
I am in no way infringing on Jon’s right of intellectual property but rather exercising my right to sell that which is rightfully mine.
Tom Anderson
I don't think you should sell the videos. Let them go with the airplane. The videos were not made to be circulated. I have seen Jon work day and night to make every one of them. Anyone thinking of buying them, don't do it. Buy from the company that worked hard to make a living helping you.
Hi Tom, Keep the dvd's and complete your project. I can't claim to understand your circumstances, money, health, other interests, but I can promise you will not regret finishing your plane. Your first flight will be one of the most memorable days of your life, do your best to make it happen.
Hi Clint, I appreciate your words of encouragement but the medical bills must be paid. There may still be another day and another project.
Sorry to hear you have medical issues.
Building and supporting community is what is being encouraged. You also have a right to do that. Paying it forward.
Regarding donating the project, that would be a wonderful thing, but beyond what you are able to do. Surely the $150 is not?
Exaggeration to the point of absurdity is a form of fallacy in discussion. Jon Croke / is not Zenith Aircraft. AND...Look how many videos Jon contributes to the community in the form of the free Tip of Day series. Jon is even doing a series on his Zenith 750HD build for free. I can personally vouch for Jon's willingness to give lots of his valuable personal time by email - all for free.
I understand your situation. But please just add $150 and as a requirement to purchase the project. Cannot think of any buyer who would object and they would probably even be happy.
A win for all involved. Just slows down the cash flow a tiny bit for some weeks.
Mr. Moore, please explain “Exaggeration to the point of absurdity is a form of fallacy in discussion” ....what is your point? Are you suggesting that I am being less than honest in sharing my financial needs?
I purchased some videos .....just like the car I bought last year they are mine to resell....implicit in the agreement to buy (maybe even explicit) is the right to dispose of those videos as I see fit....I did not sign an agreement with Jon to donate / give away that which I purchased once I am finished with them.
I am unemployed, collecting social security, and facing $20,000 in medical bills not covered by Medicare. Being able to collect $150 means a lot to me.
Comparing Homebuilt Help to Zenith Aircraft is not a fair comparison and use of exaggeration to make a point. That is all. I failed to show enough sensitivity when needed but not due to intention, rather lack of enough information. My apologies. Wish you well.
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