Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Has anyone used the builders log? EAA Builders Log
Since I am new to the EAA I don’t know if this is a new feature or not but they don’t appear to have many users.
Got to be new. Great idea if the functionality is there. Some people have concerns about the long term continuation of some of the current builders log websites.
One thing no one told me and i did not understand the faa says you should have some inspections by a tech counselor or someone knowledgeable you also need to log these events. In the end my dar did not even look at my log. There must have been no question that i had done the work. Dont forget to buy the eaa registration packet it will walk u thru step by each. Some of the forms need to be original and some can be downloaded.
One thing no one told me and i did not understand the faa says you should have some inspections by a tech counselor or someone knowledgeable you also need to log these events.
I guess in this case "should have some inspections" means "recommended but not required?" I'm not aware of any FAA reg that requires any inspections during the build except the Initial Condition Inspection by the builder and the AW inspection by either the DAR or FAA. While having an extra set of eyes inspect your build periodically is certainly a good thing, the FAA does not require tech counselor inspections. Although logging such inspections would demonstrate a professional attitude of the builder, again, it is not required by the FAA.
I did have friends with A&P and A&P IA ratings informally look over my build from time-to-time and I probably logged it, but just as in Fred's experience, the DAR barely glanced at the log and the FAA looked at about 2 pages for about 2 seconds when issuing the Repairman's Certificate!
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