When attaching an elbow fitting (http://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/hapages/an822.php) to a fuel valve (or anything else, for that matter), how can you have it oriented in a particular direction AND ensure it is leak-free?

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Are you able to combine an AN816 pipe-to-flare nipple (http://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/hapages/an816.php?clickkey=28483) with a 90 degree flare fitting (http://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/appages/phenixadapt3.php?click...)??

I have used this option to go from a pipe thread to AN flare where an angle was involved.


Hello, Dave

That's a good idea, but I am tight on space - but I'll keep the idea in the back pocket.

Thank you!




If Russ's idea does not pan out for you, there is another thing that could work.  You say that space is tight.  If it is only tight in that the fittings are close to one another, but there is room in the surrounding area, I have made my own pretzel fittings before. Start with the same AN816 pipe-to-flare nipple.  With tubing, 3003 versatube works best here, make a loop away from the direction you want to go but continue it on around 270 degrees to line up with the mating fitting using the mimumun acceptable bend radius.  Flare the 3003 tubing ends and with nuts and couplings and you just made your own fitting. 





Apply a thread sealant (paste type) to the NPT end and hand tighten it. At that point if the fitting is almost in the proper position, use a wrench to bring it around one full turn until it is in the proper position. It is the sealant that will prevent leaks and not the actual pipe threads themselves.

Russ, thanks - I'll give it a shot.

BTW, what will you using for engine monitoring? I am also planning on a Corvair, so interested in your ideas...



engine monitoring will be all "steam gauges" just like WW shows in his manual. Temperature gauges for oil and cylinder-heads, oil pressure and tachometer. Also voltage and fuel pressure.

Probably the most important engine monitor is your hearing, after sitting behind a running engine for any length of time, you can quickly determine when something is starting to go amiss just by subtle changes in sound.


Thanks for the reply and picture, Russ

I haven't decided yet, but am thinking about iLevil+EIS600+tablet(s)...

Tite Seal is beautiful stuff, used it on all my AN fittings, never hardens:

Thanks, Don, I have been trying to select a good thread sealant.


If you"re using AN plumbing fittings, many vendors such as Earl's (ANplumbing.com) make swivel fittings that can be rotated to any angle and are leak free. That's a 180 degree swivel and a banjo fitting on my fuel valve - both made exact positioning of those two lines a piece of cake!

Russ's advice about listening reminds me of what an instructor told me many years ago ... when starting your engine, leave your headset off so that you can listen for any unusual sounds from the engine and also, hear anyone nearby who might yell out if they see something amiss when you start up (like leaving your towbar attached to the nosewheel or chocks still in place) or who is responding they're not "clear" of the prop!



John, I am attaching a 3/8" tube to an NPT port on a fuel valve - no AN fittings involved.

Thank you



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