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Anyone doing samples and testing. If so, who did you go with and how was the customer experience and info provided? Trying to figure out who to go with! Thanks!
I can't say enough good things about Blackstone Labs. They provide an easy-to-read report with a personalized comment about your specific engine's results. For my Jab 3300, for instance, my results are compared to their entire database of Jabiru 3300 engines, so that makes the results much more relevant than just using generic "normal" values. If there is a minor anomaly, they'll advise whether to be concerned or not. The best deal is to buy a package of pre-paid, postage-paid kits - if you purchase at an airshow such as AirVenture, the price is even better! Here's a sample report:
I second Blackstone. I will use them as soon as I am up and flying because I’ve used them in the past flying behind a Lycoming. Normal results came via the mail back then but one day they called me a few days after I had submitted an oil sample and recommended I not fly the aircraft until having the engine inspected. Their diagnosis based on the mix of metal in the oil was a piston pin gallling a cylinder wall. Guess what the mechanic found? Yup.
Highly recommended.
hi Dave i have a kit from Blackstone Labs.
planning to send sample on my second change.
Thanks for the replies everybody. Blackstone Labs is a name I see frequently. They appear to have a good reputation, so I responded to their website offer of a free kit (pay for the analysis!) I am interested in seeing what they find in a 50 hr UL Power 350iS.
I used Blackstone for years with my O-300 powered 172 and was very pleased with them. After buying the O-200 powered Zodiac I placed an order for a bunch of stuff from Aircraft Spruce and bought a couple of AOA analysis kits just because it was convenient.The analysis was comparable to Blackstone's, and at $12.95 the cost is about half that of Blackstone.
It turns out AOA had a 2009 analysis performed for a previous owner of my airplane/engine, and it was interesting to compare the two reports. Both were normal.
I'm using the oil analysis kit from Aircraft Spruce. The analysis is performed by Lab One, which is located 10 miles from house. The usually email me an analysis report the same they receive the sample.
I've attached one of their reports.
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