FAA Administrator Michael Huerta announces a $500 rebate program for the first 20,000 aircraft owners who equip with ADS-B Out this fall

AOPA.org Article

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Am I still confused? If the rebate doesn't apply to experimentals, why are we discussing that issue here?

(Not that the related issues are not useful.)



It is all very much related! Since the vast majority of this crowd is experimental, the bottom line is the rebate doesn't apply to non-TSO'd equipment, which experimentals usually install. You can purchase and install non-TSO equpment yourself (in an experimental) and can be compliant with the 2020 mandate if the manufacturer states so. Yes, you could go to an avionics shop and get TSO'd equipment installed, but it would typically cost $1000's more to get a $500 rebate!


Whether or not the rebate applies to experimentals, almost any price would seem "reasonable" up against saving lives, in or out of crowded airspace . . . Does it work everywhere on the globe?


It is primarily US coverage with Canada (? don't know how much?) and ? partial coverage? of the Gulf of Mexico. There may be other coverage but certainly not the rest of the world.


Waal, I don' have no idear how th' dang thang works, but I reckon it's got somethin' to do with GPS. Of course, it must have to be hooked up to some kind of ground station where the data are translated--or does it?


There is an awesome three part article in the last three COPA papers, it's more Canadian centred, but does explain the 2020 rule and how to incorporate a TAS in your 2020 compliant system that is usable all over North America.




For anyone wanting to fly into Canada!! I thought it was a well written explanation.


select "news" tab

COPA flight news

gigital news tab

2016 archive

April, may and june issues

section B

Understanding ADS-B, air traffic surveillance

Or try the links below!!




Waal, I don' have no idear how th' dang thang works, but I reckon it's got somethin' to do with GPS. Of course, it must have to be hooked up to some kind of ground station where the data are translated--or does it?

Like all high tech, it gets complicated quickly, but basically you are partially correct - for traffic, ADSB data is broadcast from ground stations to ADSB-in receivers. If you additionally have ADSB-out in your plane (required for the 2020 mandate), it also can directly "ping" other ADSB-out planes air-to-air and display their data.

Rather than attempt a basic tutorial, there are many, many websites that explain it if you just Google "ADSB." If you really want to get down in the weeds with details, Avidyne has a YouTube webinar that goes into excruciating detail!


Minnie Garcias. Mebbe I kin find somethin' evun a dumy kan unnerstan'.


There's so much "system" around the basics that people tend to lose sight of the skeleton. It shouldn't take a three part article. Planes transmit their identification and GPS location every few seconds using ADSB-out "in the blind" like you do on VHF voice around an uncontrolled airport. There is no "ping," transmissions are sent from the plane whether someone is listening or not. But anyone listening (ADSB-in) can hear those transmissions and learn where the other planes are. You don't have to be transmitting to hear the other planes directly. In the US there are two different frequencies, so to hear everyone you need to listen on both. There is no ground equipment involved at this level, and it works everywhere.

Once FAA hears ADSB-out transmissions in a given area, they try to transmit additional info back to planes that are listening on either frequency, to fill in the picture when you can't hear the transmissions from other planes directly. Basically they send much of whatever shows up on ATC's radar scope: planes a little further away, and other traffic (regular transponder returns.) Weather and a lot of other stuff gets transmitted too, to display on the TV set in your cockpit if you want it.

I have omitted a lot of details such as which frequency is used where, what the legal requirements seem to be, how you can build ADSB-in yourself, but those are the basics. I have been following the developments for many years; the system is surprisingly well designed, and easy to participate in from the drone level to the airliner.

Further about the rebate program, it applies to single engine piston aircraft registered before 1/1/2016. It requires TSO'd equipment but does not require a certificated installation. You have to fly the airplane in the system for 30 minutes including 10 minutes of maneuvering flight to validate. There is non-TSO'd equipment that (as of today) is legal to use and meets the performance requirement, but FAA is not paying a rebate for those installations.


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