A Horizontal Stabilizer - Mandatory Inspection has been added (Jan 17) to Zenith Company website; Builder Resources, applicable to all models.  Will study, pertinent to my project.  Thought others, would be interested.

(Sorry JohnA, entry also in Cruzer forum - do as you may, but a worthy notice, possibly otherwise missed), JohnH

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Hi John, could you be more specific as to where I could view the Mandatory inspection? link?

Have not been able to locate in builder resources

thanks for any help, Jim Derickson

I looked for it in builder resources too, but couldn't find it.

Google found it for me. It's a 736 kilobyte pdf file. The title says Zodiac, but the document itself says it applies to all "All CH (Chris Heintz designs) series of aircraft. This includes the Zodiac and STOL models."


Go to http://www.zenithair.co/ and click on the "Builder Resources" tab in the upper right corner. 

I was able to use my password for the builders forum for access to the Zenith Builders Home Page.

This page will list the documents applying to all Zodiac/Zenith aircraft with listings down the page for model specific info. If that doesn't work look for the "register here" link in the second paragraph. You will need the serial number for your Zenith.



Greg, I could be mistaken, but I don't believe you have to be a registered user to access the 736 kB pdf file at the link below:

Mandatory Inspection - Inspection of the Horizontal Stabilizer tail...

From what I have found, you are correct if you have the link to that file. But if one wants to see all of those types of files and ones specific to a model then it appears that the Builders Home Page is the place to go.

Hi Greg, Stan, Jim, I was a bit wary about putting a link in my post, to a document in a password protected area of the Zenith company website.  Really, the company should go beyond this aspect of their communications tools, with such a Notice.  I can't see the harm (even legally) to a company alert message within this Builders and Flyers Forum.  After my initial post, our Australian Agent messaged us all Downunder, so we are covered.  If I have missed an otherwise broadcast of this Notice, I apologize.

Happy builder, JohnH

Based on the facts presented in the Canadian Transportation Safety Board's Aviation Safety Advisory, this accident was sadly a failure of the builder to follow the ZAC drawings when assembling the horizontal stabilizer attachment brackets. IMHO, it is to Zenith's credit that the Aviation Safety Advisory is publicized on the Zenith website and presented as a mandatory inspection.

Thanks Greg and everyone else. I found it on the builder resources  "New Pages"

I am still on the old web page and it is not updated there. Last update is Feb 2016

I wonder how many others aren't getting critical information?

Again thanks for the heads up!

Jim Derickson, ch750 1st edition, 930 hrs and climbing!


I just completed my annual condition inspection and like a responsible (well, a relative descriptor) builder I checked for applicable AD's (I know, I know not the same but for brevity, it works) and of course there were none-until now.

I saw Roger @ the Sebring LSA Expo and he made no mention of the AD-maybe he thought I was already aware. I'm also a bit surprised and dismayed that ZAC didn't make some effort to publicize such a critical inspection item.

Has anyone started on the inspection yet? I'm assuming that we'll have to remove the rudder to access the stab for an adequate inspection...Any cracks found?

Thank for posting this.  I had not heard anything from Zenith and my plane and plans are registered with Zenith in my name.   I'm an owner but not the builder of a CH601HD and I compared the AD with the plans and really a not of correlation.  I sent off an email to Zenith and Zenair and plan to do a visual.  The only common part between the plans and the AD was 6T2-3.  I don't have any 6B-series parts in my plans.  I'm going to take a good look tomorrow as my plane has about 800 hours since it was completed in 2002. 

Brad and Roger,

I don't know whether Canadian Safety Advisories are compulsory or not, but for the US, this is not an AD.



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