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Zenith kits normally have covers with sliding plates inside that fit around the push rods:



On the Cruzer, part numbers C75F8-7 and C75F8-8 shown in place on drawing C75-FA-5.


As a side observation as yours looks good,  but as a reminder to all when using rod end bearings that the washer going over the rod end bearing should be oversized so that if the bearing should separate or come out of the rod end for any reason that the rod end will not be able to slide up and over the washer and nut.  Effectively the oversize washer being larger in diameter will hold the rod end in place so you don't lose the control rod and lose control.  Hope that makes sense. 

The purpose of the picture was to demonstrate the sliders that surround the steering rods but nonetheless you are certainly correct with your observation and comment, but that was a photo taken during construction and not the final assembly.  In fact, if you look closely you'll see that the nuts aren't even fully engaged on the threads! 


Hi Brian,

I made two Plates out of .032 or .040 with oversized slots. Then made a couple of nylon cloth cones / boots (material left over from some skin on frame kayak / baidarka projects, designed by George Dyson). I coated the outside wth black rubberized paint for customizing cars and coated the inside with red high temp silicone. I clamped the cones between the two aluminum plates using 3/32 rivets. I then unhooked steering rods, sliding assembly over the rods and riveted the assembly to the inside of the firewall. I used a couple tie wraps to secure to steering rods. The heavy nylon weave cloth cuts well with a blade on a soldering gun and can even be stitch welded using a soldering gun. I used the same technique where throttle rods went through firewall.

See photo on home page, it comes in rotated if I attach it here.


Thanks for rapid reply John and Jay. Unfortunately the braces on the early 801 will not allow sufficient up/ down movement on the sliding plates. Perry I am heading to your website to see what you did. I mat contact Zenair to see if I can modify braces. 
Thanks Guys


Is there someway to put the standard, or slightly modified slides on the inside of the firewall?



As to why to have a fire resistant fire wall do a search on Facebook for Hal Stockman Stol. There is a series of pictures of the results of an in flight fire. Not a Zenith. He was not seriously burned.

Hi Ralph

     I am definitely interested ed in fireproofing this area. Lost a buddy to an inflight engine compartment fire. Right now I am researching fireproof material like nomex. Thanks for the suggestions 


Hi Brian, 

Let me know if you decide to go the cloth boot method and I can send you an off cut of nylon cloth. Rubber boots have also been used as seen on Brian Unruh’s website (no longer on internet). You might search Baidarka or skin on frame kayak to get an idea of the material.


I have a 601 XL-B.  I addressed the problem by re-purposing a couple of Jeep transfer case boots. I made the retainers out of scrap aluminum and riveted them to the inside of the firewall.  This was back before Zenith was offering a way to close the slots. I have no idea whether they would work in your situation but thought I'd show them to you.


That looks really good.

Thanks for the photos and suggestion Tim. Looks really neat. I do like the idea a LOT


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