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I bought a Jab 330 and FWF kit back in December, from Jabiru N.A.
There is a measurement discrepancy on the engine mount, so I sent an email to Lightning - four times, the first on July 08 and the last on Aug 13, and no reply.
I am pasting the email below... Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this problem?
Are you saying the mount is 4mm wide? If so, pull it together and put in the bolts. A welded assembly is seldom perfect. Common on motor mounts.
Hello, Jay
I could do that, but then the opposite end of the mount gets distorted...
Perhaps the best approach is to attach the engine to the mount and then squeeze the top arms so the (hopefully) match the bolts.
Wondering what others have done...?
Thanks Jeff - I do have the video, will take another look
I agree, I would not "pre-stress" an assembly designed to take the stress forces from the engine torque and pull of the prop.
No defense of Arion Lightning (who took over the Jabiru NA dealership), but did you ever just simply give them a telephone call? Most vendors do very well with email support, but some, not so good! I had the same experience with their predecessor, Jabiru NA - I don't think they ever responded to an email support query. However, if I called them during normal business hours, virtually 100% of the time I was immediately connected to Pete Krotje and he promptly and satisfactorily took care of my question or problem.
I've had the same experience with a few (very few!) other vendors - while most have great email support, some do much better at answering the phone! :>)
I have called them 4 times in the last month and sent at least 4 emails to Arion, still no response. Calls go to voicemail and emails are not returned. I have a 601XL FWF package, but I am going to install the 3300 on a 750. Does anyone know if the engine mount is the same between the 601 and 750?
Since November, I have been sending emails to them (some four or five).
One of them to Cindy, who usually replies promptly, but nothing...
I haven't tried calling yet.
As for the mount, I don't think they are the same: the 750 has an extra attach point on the firewall side, top.
Do a search on "engine mount CH-750 jabiru" and "engine mount CH-601 jabiru", and compare...
Thanks Carlos for the reply. I have done a number of searches, however have not found the plans for the 750 mount to compare it to the actual (and plans) of the 601 mount that I have. Any chance you have a drawing of the 750 mount?
Roland, sorry, but I don't.
I am building a 601, and bought the mount ready (from Arion).
So my statement regarding differences is solely based on internet pictures.
Thought I would post an update. Talked to Nick today at Jabiru USA (or Arion). He was extremely helpful and I will be getting some components of the FWF for the 750 for the my Gen 1 3300. Found out that Nick does support specifically between 10:30-11:30 CST and 3:30-4:30 CST. Return emails are not a strength, but getting support on the was excellent.
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