I’m at the point where I need to start doing fuel system planning. My firewall is riveted, nosewheel is next.

I heard that AM recommends NOT using a header tank, so I’m wondering what and how to route lines and return lines.

Ideas welcome :-)

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Here is a little write up I did a while ago (vendor independent) on using Header Tanks FWIW:



Thanks Jon. I do remember reading this earlier. Definitely food for thought. My gut says that simple engineering is better than complex, but that’s only if the end result is the same. 

I’ll give it some thought and definitely write up and share my final result. 

My gut says that simple engineering is better than complex, but that’s only if the end result is the same.

That's why I love my AeroInjector throttle body carb on my Jabiru 3300 - It has 2 moving parts and is solely gravity-fed from my high-wing STOL 750.  In my experience, gravity is always "ON!" LOL!  ;>)



Just having a little fun with you fuel-injected guys! :>)

I really need to grab a club plane and fly over to see you. So many good ideas :)


 Are you going to the Open Hangar Days at Zenith next month?

I went last year. I'm on the fence for this year. I need to decide on an engine but I've got it down to two...

Cool. I haven't been to one before but I am planning on attending this year. There is a very good chance there will be an Aeromomentum engine there this year. 

1) What are you down to now in narrowing your list? 

2) Did you get the airframe on the gear? Get it moved out to the hangar yet? Sorry I missed you while I was up in Sylva NC. It was a lot of driving there and back especially traveling with kids etc. 

3) What have you come up with in your research for fuel systems so far?

I'm down to Viking and Aeromomentum. I really like the UL, but it's just so expensive.

Both engines give me a little pause. I probably don't have to decide for a couple of months. I'm only just getting going on the wings so...

Yeah, I got it on the gear, have another Quality control issue with a part. This time it's the lower nose gear bushing.

I've been pretty good about filling out my build log in real time: myzenith750.com

Hi Michael

I have ordered and expect my AM15 to be on its way to NZ soon, have you decided on your engine yet? I am building a 601HD so a low wing and have debated the header tanks etc, in the end I took Marks advice and just went for the wing tanks with the duel fuel selector at the end of the day I could if I wanted to install a header tank at a later date but I would have to then have an extra two fuel pumps etc etc, that all adds extra weight and as previous people have told you I am sure Complexity.  How far along are you with your build?


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