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Salam and hi guys,
I am a builder of CH750 in Malaysia.
We are now in progress building the fuselage and cant wait to get the aircraft stand on its gear.
In the mean time, i am preparing a list of pilot equipment's need to be bought.
Anybody can give me any list or if there any webpage can i refer to, i hope anybody can show me the link. I am a new guy in this aircraft building, and from a university, therefore we are building while learning.
Thanks guys.
your helps are very much appreciated.
Pray for #mh370
Welcome Zihad!
When you say pilot/piloting equipment are you wanting some ideas for navigation, radio, and flight instruments for the instrument panel? I thought some clarification might stimulate some responses from the group.
If you mean panel equipment, I personally like the MGL "Xtreme" mini-EFIS for flight instrumentation and it has a built-in GPS for navigation. They make a companion engine management EFIS for engine instrumentation. (The Xtreme mini-EFIS can also display engine instrumentation, but that's pretty crowded on the mini-EFIS). Grant Rapids Technologies ("GRT") makes a very good engine instrumentation system ("EIS") - but it's primarily alpha-numeric display. Later this year they're coming out with a graphic EFIS display. Of course, the Dynon systems are very popular and Zenith is a dealer.
The best value for a radio in my opinion is the MGL V6 com radio - extremely small and light, has a built-in stereo music adapter and intercom.
I also like the iFly 720 for a stand-alone moving map GPS which also can wirelessly display ADS-B weather and traffic - don't guess ADS-B is relevant in Malaysia, though!
I'm sure others can give you many other ideas - but that's a start!
Hi Zihad, A good source for electronics and hardware is <> I am just a happy customer, Not affiliated.
Cheers,,,,, Lynn
Thanks John Austin, lynn S. Beckhorn,
Basically, we do have equipped our instruments, avionics and etc.
I dont know if the word ' piloting equipment ' is correct, but what i mean is the pilot need to use while flying. Such as;
a) Headset. (But which is the most affordable and reliable?)
b) Map (What type of map?)
c) Portable fire extinguisher (But what type?)
e) ...and so on
its true that we can get it from aircraftspruce, but if we go through to their selection, such as headsets, there are a lot kind of headsets, ranging from the high price to low price. Kind of need to have some guidance, either from knowledge or experience which type of headset should i pick for our experimental aircraft ch750.
Thanks guys.
Can't help you much on low-cost headsets - I have some hearing loss and I've always used the very best available, so, for years I have used the Bose noise-canceling (ANR) headsets, but they are very expensive. There are some just as good or nearly as good that are much less expensive, and then of course, passive headsets are cheaper still. I use the iFly 720 moving map GPS - contains vector, weather, sectional, low enroute, WAC, etc. maps. Their subscriptions are among the lowest in the competition and they have great customer service. Again, I don't know how relevant a lot of those maps are to someone outside the US!
I've got a HalGuard HG100B fire extinguisher - very effective and doesn't leave a messy residue if deployed.
Hopefully others can advise on headsets, maps, etc.
Hi Zihad
I have a Avcomm AC-900 and a LightSpeed Sierra headset. I prefer the Sierra, I also tried LightSpeed Zulu but I could not see any difference and the Sierra cost a lot less. I think the ANR is worth the price, especially in noisy aircrafts like ours. If you are on a budget you may consider used ones on ebay or aircraftspruce (they have an exchange program and sell used ones.)
I carry a paper map but never use it. I use AirNav Pro on a Ipad mini with a GPS (internal in the Ipad mini with cell). I like AirNav : it is simple, do everything I need, don't cost a lot of money and have no monthly cost.
For the extinguisher I have a H3R A400 from spruce. It cost more than others but it is lighter. That is the kind of choices I had to make to build a 701 below the standard weight.
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
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