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I have spent the best part of two full days trying to solve this.
All of the plastic on the inside of the canopy just peels off. Also one side of the outer portion. However one whole side and part of the front of the canopy has the protective film hardened on and I can't get it off.
Here's what I've tried:
- heating with a blow dryer
- scraping with soft wood skewer
- sticking on Gorrilla tape and trying to pull it off with that
- wiping a this film of kerosene on it and trying to scrape off ( i then immediately washed it off).
- soaking it in my hot tub (not kidding!)
- WD-40
I can scrape it with a fine wooden skewer and maybe clear as much as one square inch in an hour. Some simple math suggests this could take three solid weeks of 8 hour days to complete at this rate.
Any other ideas? Even, last ditch ones?
try some orange oil, it is fairly docile and has been shown to work on a lot of adhesives, including 3m products.Otherwise I would contact the plastic manufacturer
The best thing I have found is 3M Adhesive Remover, part #08987, but you would have to test it to determine if it will harm the canopy plastic. I suspect it would be fine, but test first.
The problem isn't so much the adhesive as it is the polyethylene film itself. You almost need something that will dissolve the film without hurting the acrylic, and I don't think there is such a product.
I bought the kit substantially complete. I'm not sure how old the canopy was. I don't think it was ordered with the original kit but was purchased towards the end. I could be wrong though.
Definitely do not want it to sit in the sun, and if it were me, I would keep it in the house rather than a hot garage. I'm pretty sure heat and UV's are the culprit to this condition.
Taking the plastic film off is a risk as you will end up scratching it before you're done. Once you start trying to fit it there is a lot of messing around with it and lots of opportunities to ding it.
I stored my XL canopy with the protective film on from 2006 to this last fall when I installed it. The film peeled off without problems. The one concession I made was to store it unrolled so it assumed a more natural shape.
I suggest you email George Mesiarik <> He is a VP at LP Aero Plastics and very knowledgeable. If anyone can help you, he can.
Good Luck!
Yep... I had issues with mine as well, not as bad as yours though. Mostly caused by leaving it on too long (years) or letting it get too hot like sitting in the sun. This stuff worked great to take it off and didn't hurt the plastic!!! Lots of companies make this stuff, just make sure it's safe on plastics, acrylics and such...
Gary posted his solution to his problem in the 601/650 Forum and it reads as follows:
"Update" - I posted my solution to this problem in the 601 forum. I should have posted it here. The short form is that Rubbiing Alcohol (aka Isopropyl Alcohol) 91% solution (not the 70%) worked well. I soaked a wash cloth in it, laid it on the canopy, put a plastic bag over it and let it sit for 20 minutes and even the hardened stuff came off pretty easy. I've since heard that the orange oil cleaner works well too, though I haven't tried it.
Since the topic was running in two different forums, which does not allow, please continue the discussion here in the Open Forum. I have asked that no more discussion continue on this topic in the 601/650 Forum as it is a topic of general interest and best placed here in the Open Forum.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you don't understand "double-posting."
Thanks for your cooperation,
John Moderator
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